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With Lyanna killed during the war, Robert agreed to marry Cersei Lannister in gratitude for her father's pledge of fealty. Citywide Roofing is a full-service and fully licensed residential and commercial roofing company. The roofer in Los Angeles handles repairs, tear-offs, replacements, and new construction installations. The company's certified technicians are experienced with a wide range of materials, including clay tile, asphalt shingles, and slate in addition to flat roof applications.
Family and Friends
With his hammer, he wore an antlered helmet, which gave him the demeanor of a god or demon. After inciting a rebellion against the throne, his hatred for the Targeryens grew. After Aery’s death, he refused to charge Tywin Lannister and Gregor Clegane for murdering Elia and her little children, Rhaenys and Aegon Targaryen. United, the formidable army of the rebels marched south and smashed the royalist forces at the Battle of the Trident, where Robert slew Prince Rhaegar during a ferocious duel with a blow of his war hammer. Robert sustained some wounds during the fight and had to send Eddard to attack King's Landing. Instead, Jon, Eddard (now Lord of Winterfell) and Robert raised the standards of rebellion.
Bishop of California (Two Californias, Both Californias)
Homeowners and business owners can hire the company to fix roof defects like missing shingles, storm damage, and leaks that can lead to structural problems. Its crew also offers various replacement roofing, such as clay, concrete, wood, metal, and asphalt. In addition, clients can get help with regular inspections so that maintenance work can be done. Home Upgrade Specialist has provided full-service residential and commercial roofing solutions for more than 15 years. The roofing contractor in Los Angeles evaluates each structure to determine the source of the leak and advises clients on the most effective course of action.
World of Westeros

With the date in mind, House began working towards making sure that Las Vegas would survive the war, and just as important—he would survive the war. Like any good billionaire, House owned a Vegas casino known as the Lucky 38. Using the vast wealth and resources of RobCo, House began outfitting the Lucky 38 so that it could protect Vegas against the brunt of a nuclear assault. He also decided that drastic measures would have to be taken for him to remain alive indefinitely to handle the crisis personally. House had his fleshy, mortal body sealed into a life support device that would keep him alive—relatively and theoretically—forever.
Robert also had to raise his youngest brother Renly, but he handed over this task to the castle's staff. In a very minor difference to the books, after crowning himself King, Renly doesn't alter the colors of the Baratheon sigil. However, he wears a golden stag on green, though not as an official personal sigil. Robert Baratheon led a rebellion against King Aerys II Targaryen, resulting in the overthrowing of the Targaryens. Robert became the new king; Renly became Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, ruling the Stormlands from Storm's End; Stannis formed the cadet branch House Baratheon of Dragonstone.
While hiding, Eddard and Jon Arryn’s rebel forces arrived, and a battle with Jon Connington ensued. Robert is a tall man with the classic Baratheon look of black hair and bright blue eyes. When he was a young man, he kept a clean-shaven face and had a muscular body that accentuated his strength.
People often commented derogatorily that he was a drunken fool (which was true to an extent), and failed sometimes to see past his powerful temper. The death of Lyanna and no battles to fight left him with a profound loss of purpose, causing him to lose his fighting form and grow fat from the excess the crown provided him. He did however mention that the only reason he never abdicated the throne was because he never wanted Joffrey or Cersei to have control of the realm when he was gone, likely realizing his heir and wife would be more ruthless and just as incompetent as he was. Selah Roofing Corp is a residential and commercial roofing company that provides services in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. Its licensed and insured roofers replace, repair, and maintain all roofing systems, including tile, shingle, slate, and clay. The company also works with work shakes, metal shingles, and concrete and single-ply roofing materials.
Two of Balon’s sons died in the short war, and his youngest Theon Greyjoy, was taken as a hostage. The Stark, Tully and Arryn armies began assembling north of the Trident, but the Baratheons were separated from their allies and surrounded by enemies. Robert defeated several other houses and won them to his cause through sheer charisma, but marching his army north to link up with the rest was extremely hazardous, as it involved passing close to Tyrell territory, and they remained loyal to the king. His troops succeeded in the task (although Storm's End came under siege from the Tyrell armies), although Robert was briefly separated from his men and almost killed at the Battle of Stoney Sept until Eddard's forces rescued him. Robert was considered a very good man at heart, and he ultimately was, but people often couldn't see this because externally he appeared to be a brutal, heavy-drinking party animal. He had a fondness for strong drinks, women, tourneys, and extravagant parties, which he heavily immersed himself in after the end of his Rebellion against the Mad King- perhaps to drown his grief over having lost Lyanna.
Vassal houses
Upon the marriage of King Joffrey I with Margaery Tyrell, the royal house's main ally in the War of the Five Kings became House Tyrell. They also secured tenuous alliances with House Bolton in the North and House Frey at the Riverlands in order to preserve their rule through the war. Royal inheritance laws are different from normal inheritance laws, putting female heirs behind all possible male ones, meaning that Myrcella actually ranked behind Stannis and Renly. Even in the TV series, Renly specifies in Season 1's "The Wolf and the Lion" that he is fourth in line to the throne, behind Joffrey, Tommen, and Stannis - but skipping Myrcella.
For his accomplishments, Orys was made Lord of Storm's End and founded House Baratheon. Orys took the sigil and words of the defeated House Durrandon as his own, cementing his rule over the Stormlands by marrying Argella Durrandon, the daughter of the fallen Argilac. Robert House as a character was very much in the spirit of Howard Hughes a.k.a. the classic eccentric billionaire trope. House personally designed mathematical paradigms to attempt to predict major world events. He’d base this on a stream of constantly updating information with thousands of geopolitical and socio-economic factors. Modern Concepts Contracting provides roofing services in the Los Angeles area.
House of the Dragon Family Tree: How the Characters Relate to Game of Thrones - Den of Geek
House of the Dragon Family Tree: How the Characters Relate to Game of Thrones.
Posted: Sun, 21 Aug 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Introduced in 1996's A Game of Thrones, Robert is the eldest son and heir of Lord Steffon Baratheon. After his betrothed Lyanna Stark was allegedly kidnapped by prince Rhaegar Targaryen, Robert, Ned and Jon started a rebellion against the "Mad King" Aerys II Targaryen. After crushing the Targaryen dynasty and winning the war, during which Lyanna died, Robert took the Iron Throne. He married Tywin Lannister's daughter Cersei to ensure political stability. Although Robert's reign is relatively peaceful, he proves to be an ineffective ruler.
He was born and raised in the Baratheon stronghold of Storm's End, but at a young age was sent to foster with Lord Jon Arryn at the Eyrie in the Vale of Arryn. There he met and befriended Eddard Stark, who had also been sent to foster there by his father. Despite their radically different temperaments, Robert and Eddard became close and loyal friends. Jon Arryn, who had no sons of his own, came to treat them as his own family, and both Robert and Eddard came to regard the Eyrie as their second home, visiting often even after they had left and returned home. Robert fell in love with Eddard's sister Lyanna, and her father Lord Rickard approved the high-profile match.
Cersei and Pycelle fight for control over Tommen, who decides to begin at least trying to play the game of thrones, rather than standing by. Robert's youngest brother Renly Baratheon had already declared his claim to the throne as soon as Robert died, based solely on the fact that Joffrey was an insane monster unsuitable to rule, and Cersei Lannister's puppet. The rumors that Joffrey was a bastard of incest only served to strengthen Renly's claim.
After the tourney of Harrenhal, Prince Rhaegar allegedly kidnapped Lyanna. In a very minor difference to the books, the TV series spells 'Argilac' as 'Argalic'. The Game of Thrones section of Book Analysis analyzes and explores the Game of Thrones series. The content on Book Analysis was created by Game of Thrones fans, with the aim of providing a thorough in-depth analysis and commentary to complement and provide an additional perspective to the incredible world George R.R. Martin created in his books. It is safe to say that Robert Baratheon was the fiercest man in the seven kingdoms at the height of his power.
Robert Baratheon’s character portrays perfectly how addictions and a lack of tactical reasoning can destroy even the greatest of warriors. Though Robert had many feats and victories, he got consumed by his addiction. A deeper dive into his character shows that Robert was never mentally prepared to rule a kingdom. As a free-spirited individual, the position of King ruined his mental stability and caused him to spiral into decadence. Eddard travels with his daughters, Sansa and Arya Stark, to King’s Landing, and he assumes the title of the Hand of the King for King Robert.
The company's certified technicians repair and install metal, clay tile, composite shingle, and flat roof applications in addition to solar panels and roofs. J & J Roofing Co. is a Pasadena contractor that provides roofing installation and repair services to clients in the Los Angeles metro. The company has been in business for more than 20 years and is composed of over 30 roofing professionals with over 200 years of combined industry experience.
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